


NSRL's own Soy Ambassador, Danny Erickson, retired this week after a distinguished 31 year career. Danny trained over 5,00 people during his time at the U of I. His soy processing expertise and equipment knowledge has provided private industry as well as government agencies and NGOs with vast information about dynamic processing and utilization techniques. Danny's hands-on approach to helping others learn positively impacted students, businesses, international organizations and U of I faculty and staff. Danny was the 2010 winner of the Chancellor's Academic Professional Excellence (CAPE) Award.
We wish Danny many good days on the golf course as he enjoys his summer!
As we look forward to the upcoming weekend and plan our 4th of July celebration, parade, BBQ and watching of fireworks displays, we want to say thanks to all of our deployed service members around the world and their families for their service and sacrifices. Because of their efforts, we remain free and safe. The United States of America really his the home of the free because of the brave!
Happy 4th of July!
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